What is Gum Contouring?

Close up of a woman's smile next to yellow flower peddles.

If you don’t like the appearance of your gums, then you may be a candidate for gum contouring. Gum contouring in Phoenix involves removing or adding sections of gum to create the ideal gum shape. People with gummy smiles or receding gums often use gum contouring to give them more confidence when smiling and laughing. 

Why Are Gums Sometimes Uneven? 

The causes of uneven gums are highly varied. People can have too much gum for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • Family genetics
  • Certain types of prescription drugs for conditions like acne and chlamydia
  • Certain health concerns

Others can have too little gum, again, for a variety of reasons. Excessively vigorous brushing, for instance, can reduce the size and extent of gums over time, causing them to die back slowly. 

Receding gums can also be an indication of chronic gingivitis. Bacteria on the surface of the gum create plaque which then progressively eats away at gum cells, exposing a larger and larger area of tooth over time. 

What Happens During Gum Contouring? 

The gum contouring procedure you undergo depends on whether you need to add or remove gum material. 

There are two main ways of removing excess gum from your mouth. The first is to remove it with a scalpel under a local anesthetic. The technique is effective and long-lasting, and you rarely need to return to the dentist for a second surgery. 

The second technique is to use lasers. The dentist fires a laser at the section of excessive or protruding gum, killing the cells and the surface, and causing them to die back over time. 

If you need to add gum to your mouth, say, to cover up a tooth that looks longer than it should, then you’ll need a gum graft. A graft is where we take a piece of tissue from somewhere else in your mouth and stitch it over the affected area, helping to restore the gum line. 

We usually take the gum tissue from one of two locations: either the palate at the roof of the mouth, or from another part of the gum. The new tissue is stitched over the affected area, or the gum is pulled further over the tooth to give the desired appearance. 

Does It Take Long To Recover After Gum Contouring In Phoenix?

Gum contouring is a type of surgery, so it has a relatively extended recovery period. If you have undergone gum grafting, the new gum needs to fuse with the surrounding tissue. Typically, patients notice that healing is well underway three weeks after surgery, and complete after around six to eight weeks, depending on the size of the graft. 

If you have had laser ablation or gum removal surgery, then the recovery time is slightly less. The gum, however, still requires several weeks to recover fully. 

What Should You Do After Having Gum Contouring? 

If you’ve just had gum contouring, then you may benefit by taking an over-the-counter pain relief medication. It may also be beneficial to eat soft and cool foods that will not irritate or damage the gum, such as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. 

Following our instructions for after-care will guarantee beautiful results. If you are interested and want to see if gum contouring is something that can improve your smile then schedule an appointment with us today. Dr. Trujillo would love to discuss gum contouring and how it can work for you.

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